Honey's Anime - The Best Place for Anime Enthusiasts

The Best Place for Anime Enthusiasts! News, guides, reviews, recommendations, character bios, we have it all!

Anime Review,Popular Anime,Anime Recommendations,Japanese Otaku’s Thoughts

Honey’s Anime first began with the idea of providing entertainment to the community of anime enthusiasts around the world. Our way of taking part in that ever-growing community is by providing anime fans with the information they need and deserve. We started out making anime episode reviews, but we have grown with our readers to become the diverse source of information that Honey's Anime is today.

We specialize in top 10 lists, covering all genres of anime; we also provide similar anime recommendations of classic series as well as the latest seasonal anime. We also provide the most relevant and latest anime news directly from Japan for our readers. Collectively, Honey’s Anime is a team composed of anime fans just like you, from all over the world!

Honey’s Anime headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan, as we feel it is our duty to bring the best in the anime world to the whole world! Join Honey-chan and the rest of the crew as we take you on an amazing journey, the likes of which no other anime fan has experienced before. If you stick with us, we will dedicate ourselves to providing you with the freshest and best content an anime site can offer. There will be no dull moments with us!




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